a scientist in the fermentation lab

Our technology portfolio to address pro-/ post-/ pre- and synbiotics

With regard to the development of probiotics, our technology portfolio offers the perfect blend of optimizing the performance of microorganisms and elucidating, exploring and exploiting molecular targets (in microbes and humans).

Outside the box:
We specialize in tailored approaches so that we can isolate and characterize new or better strains and then select microorganisms superior to others. Therefore, no two screening processes are alike.


Our in vitro tests are designed to reflect natural growth and stress conditions. This is the basis for achieving results that are transferable in vivo.

We elucidate the mode of action of microbial strains and then use this to develop a product with superior and consistent probiotic performance.

Our arsenal of technology – A modular system to choose from:


The BRAIN BioArchive (>50.000 strains) covers a wide range of microorganisms and corresponding enzymes and metabolites, including selected sub-collections ready to be investigted in your application. We also offer state-of-the-art targeted and customized isolations and enrichment campaigns.

In-house NGS & bioinformatics

Oxford nanopore sequencing is routinely used for transcriptomic analyses and in the elucidation of the complete genome. Our in-house bioinformatics allows the evaluation and analysis of data sets (enzymes, metabolites, gene clusters) as well as the predictions of phenotypic properties.


Depending on the requirements and market environment, non-directed methods and targeted genome editing tools (non-gmo) can be used to obtain optimized product strains. We support you in elucidating the mechanism of action of your probiotic strain (e.g. by antimicrobial profiling or targeted mutagenesis).


Safety, economic manufacturability and stability are keys of strain characterization and minimize drop-outs during the development process. Our in vitro assays (e.g. cell-based assays) and in-house analytics enable a comprehensive phenotypic characterization and support prioritization and selection of the most suitable strains.

tailored to fit

Precise non-GMO genome modification focuses on the inherent genetic makeup of the strains and aims to exploit their maximum potential.


Probiotic performance indicators are based on the characterization of metabolic activities (e.g. enzymes, SCFA), microbial activities (prebiotic, cross-feeding, antimicrobial) and host-microbial activities (gut/skin receptor cell line assays). We have the appropriate in vitro assays available.

What is beneficial for whom?

  • Non-GMO precise modification: customers looking to overcome specific issues (production, stability) of strains without risking collateral damage to performance properties
  • Evolutionary optimization: customers with precise expectations about the performance requirement of the microorganism candidates, but who do not know their corresponding capabilities
  • Expand product business
  • Science-based products to differentiate in the market
  • Increase leadership role
  • Step into new applications and market segments (cross-selling)

BRAIN Biotech – your technology provider

Do you want to learn more about your probiotic strains, elucidate the mode of action, uncover new claims, increase performance and efficiency or meet stability criteria for an application? We can support you on the way to safe, stable and producible strains and products that really stand out in the market.

Learn more about our offers regarding probiotics

Probiotic strains

Probiotics – mighty little helpers at your service

To overview

a collage of probiotic strains

Meet our microbes

Pre-characterized microbial strains

Innovative new products with probiotics

Learn more

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