Adriaan Moelker Manfred Bender BRAIN AG Annual General Meeting FY 2018/2019
5 March 2020

Just in time: Annual general meeting FY 2018/19

The invitation to the Annual General Meeting of BRAIN AG in March 2020 was accepted by many shareholders, despite the fact that the corona crisis had already been announced. Attendance, measured by share capital, was around 70%.

Many bottles of disinfectant were standing ready and waiting when the first shareholders of BRAIN AG entered the Melibokushalle in Zwingenberg, Germany, this year. What was still allowed on 5 March would not have been acceptable a week later. Three days earlier, the Robert Koch Institute had raised its risk assessment for Germany from "low to moderate" to "moderate" and a week later the "lockdown" in Germany began.

Those who had come followed the meeting attentively and exercised their voting rights. Thus, with the exception of one item, the agenda items were accepted by the participating shareholders.

Manfred Bender, CFO on the Management Board of BRAIN AG, explained and summarized the figures for the past financial year: “We have clearly achieved our goal of double-digit growth. This is a remarkable development in the general economic environment.”

The shareholders re-elected Dr. Georg Kellinghusen to the Supervisory Board by a large majority. Kellinghusen planned to stand for re-election as Chairman at the constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board.

“We have clearly achieved our goal of double-digit growth. This is a remarkable development in the general economic environment.”

Manfred Bender, CFO on the Management Board of BRAIN AG
BRAIN Annual General Meeting FY 2018/2019
© Archiv BRAIN AG
CFO Manfred Bender presents BRAIN's highlights of the year.

It is currently still open in which form the AGM in 2021 for the 2019/20 financial year of BRAIN AG will take place - whether purely virtual, face-to-face or as a hybrid of both. What is certain, however, is that listed companies must be prepared for all eventualities in the future.

The detailed voting results as well as the presentation of the Management Board and all other documents relating to the Annual General Meeting can be found on the BRAIN AG website.

Despite the current Corona crisis, many shareholders didn't want to miss the General Annual Meeting this year.

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