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11 November 2020

Award for efficient knowledge transfer

Enzyme expert Biocatalysts wins the IChemE Global Food & Drink Award for an ultra-scale-down process for accelerated enzyme production on an industrial scale

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Proteocut Illu
26 October 2020

Enzyme development as team work

BRAIN and Biocatalysts have jointly developed their first enzyme. Biocatalysts is now bringing the hydrolase Proteocut K to the life sciences market as a more powerful alternative to Proteinase K.

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21 October 2020

New members of the Supervisory Board

A bioprocess engineer and a food technologist – with the Swiss Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiltrud Treffenfeldt and the British Stephen Catling as new Supervisory Board members, the Supervisory Board of BRAIN AG has not only gained further professional expertise, but also more internationality and an increased percentage of women.

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Digitalministerin bei BRAIN
21 September 2020

Digitally supported metagenomics

During a visit to BRAIN, the Hessian Minister for Digitalization informed herself about the advantages of digitalization in biotechnology

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Adriaan Moelker
2 September 2020

Finding the right balance

Six months ago, Adriaan Moelker took over as Chair of the Board, thus assuming management of BRAIN AG. In an interview with News & Views, he talks about his first impressions, his goals, the ongoing transformation process and the future positioning of BRAIN AG on the capital market.

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25 August 2020

Small protein with great potential

How does the substitution of a single amino acid affect the stability and sensory profile of the sweet-tasting protein brazzein? BRAIN is investigating this question in the "PepDancer" project – part of its research activities on sugar substitutes.

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