News & Views

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BRAIN fermentation
21 January 2021

Two steps forward, one step back – the path to perfect fermentation

Fermentation is part of the basic process of biotechnological production. If fermentation approaches are to be scaled up from laboratory to production scale, some approaches go from the already larger format back to the small laboratory format until the large-scale fermentation approach is ready. We asked two experts from BRAIN about fermentation, planning; the technical challenges and trends.

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20 January 2021

Biosun Biochemicals: Much more to offer than a traditional distributor

Biosun Biochemicals Inc.(U.S.) d/b/a BIOSUN FLAVORS & FOOD INGREDIENTS (BIOSUN FFI) has been part of the BRAIN Group since January 1, 2021. Among other things, it will help to expand the Group´s sales and manufacturing capacities in North America.

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pet food
12 January 2021

Microbial Alternative to Pet Food Manufacturing

Which enzyme do you like to use? Of animal or microbial origin? Biocatalysts Ltd is dedicated to the development and production of a range of microbial alternative enzymes for the food and pet food industry and has recently launched a protease specifically for the pet food market.

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BRAIN's bioarchive
14 December 2020

Ten years of Nagoya Protocol

The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity has been in force for ten years. Here is an overview of the history of the agreement and an interview with BRAIN employee Dr. Dirk Sombroek on the significance of the agreement for biotechnology companies like BRAIN.

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Society and sustainability
14 December 2020

Bioeconomy: Involving society

With the aim of promoting sustainable business practices, Germany has set out on the path to a bio-based economy. It is important to involve society in this transformation in order to shape this change towards more sustainability in a sustainable manner.

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18 November 2020

Skin regeneration at the flick of a switch

Scientists at BRAIN have demonstrated by a specially developed cell-based assay in the laboratory that bioactive substances from the BRAIN Bioarchive can activate skin cells. Industrial customers, e.g. from the cosmetics industry, can now use the test system to screen natural substances from the BRAIN substance library according to their specifications and thus find natural active ingredients for skin regeneration.

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