News & Views

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Nachhaltigkeit Baum
27 March 2020

The world on the way to more sustainability

Transforming the World – The Sustainable Development Goals, or the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", is a United Nations action plan designed to benefit people and the planet. What role do companies and politicians play in its implementation?

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20 March 2020

From veggie day to vegan lifestyle

There are numerous and varied reasons for maximising the share of plant based foods in a consumer’s diet. Ethics, religion, health, taste and trendiness are some of them. Worries of finite resources, a growing population and climate crisis are adding the call for sustainability to this list.

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13 March 2020

Filmed for TV: BRAIN’s urban mining (bio-) technology

A film team has documented the process of "biomining" at BRAIN: What is the secret of the bio-based technology that allows precious metals such as gold to be extracted from e-waste and other waste streams in an environmentally friendly process? This topic is part of the German TV broadcast "W wie Wissen" under the subtitle "Greed for Gold".

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Adriaan Moelker Manfred Bender BRAIN AG Annual General Meeting FY 2018/2019
5 March 2020

Just in time: Annual general meeting FY 2018/19

The invitation to the Annual General Meeting of BRAIN AG in March 2020 was accepted by many shareholders, despite the fact that the corona crisis had already been announced. Attendance, measured by share capital, was around 70%.

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BRAIN Change of Management Board
3 March 2020

End of an Era: Changeover at BRAIN AG

Adriaan Moelker takes over Chairmanship of the Board from Jürgen Eck

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Cover picture AR 2018/19
14 January 2020

Freshly unpacked: Report on the 2018/19 financial year

BRAIN AG has again combined its consolidated financial statements with a comprehensive insight into the activities of the past fiscal year.

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