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Category: Technology

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4 June 2024

Can Aspergillus produce your enzyme or protein? We will find out for you

Producing proteins in a sustainable and cost-efficient way is a challenge for manufacturing companies. BRAIN Biotech's “Plug & Produce System” quickly finds an answer to whether Aspergillus is the right production strain.

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Large-Scale Freeze Drying facility at Biocatalysts Ltd
7 March 2024

Biocatalysts Ltd expands its Manufacturing Capabilities with Large-Scale Freeze Drying

Biocatalysts Ltd has expanded its production capacity with the addition of a large-scale freeze-drying facility.

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Portraits of two BRAIN Biotech enzyme experts
16 January 2024

Specialty enzymes for niche markets

How BRAIN Biotech Group`s technology units contribute to the development and market launch of developing specialty enzymes

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Aspergillus niger in a BRAIN Biotech lab
6 November 2023

High-performance production strains for enzymes and proteins

In the production of enzymes and proteins by microbial fermentation, BRAIN Biotech's project teams focus on interdisciplinarity and work in parallel on strain and bioprocess optimization.

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Dr. Paul Scholz and VAAM President Prof. Dr. Stefan Pelzer in an auditorium of the Georg-August-University in Göttingen
18 September 2023

VAAM Innovation Award for discovery of novel CRISPR nuclease family

Dr. Paul Scholz was awarded the 2023 VAAM Innovation Award for discovering a novel CRISPR nuclease family.

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BRAIN Summer School
23 August 2022

Biotransformation – "No technology can do it alone"

Interview on the "Summer School Biotransformations 2022"

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